New courses added to our Financial Markets catalogue
Quartic Training is pleased to annouce four courses that have been added to our Financial Markets catalogue. Both courses are being delivered by Paul Meadows who has recently joined our facality.
Paul has ten years experience designing and delivering both Public and tailored in-house training programmes, with audiences ranging from Graduates and new starters, through to one-to-one coaching of Senior Managers.
Understanding Investment Banking
Rarely out of the news (for all the wrong reasons) & now described as ‘Casino’ Banking by sceptical Politicians & Regulators, the reputation of today’s Investment Bankers has probably not been this low for a long time.
Nevertheless, for the Financial Markets to function, healthy Investment Banks are a prerequisite. Much of what these complicated organisations do is not fully understood. Governments rely on them to arrange their (increasingly large) funding requirements; Corporates rely on them to arrange new Listings on the world’s Exchanges; Financial Institutions rely on them to execute transactions on those same Exchanges.
Equity Valuation Workshop
For Companies listing on Exchanges, understanding the methodologies employed by Investment Bank Analysts & investing Fund Managers is key to establishing a healthy working relationship for Investor Relations departments & their new Shareholders.
The Valuation ‘tools of the trade’ vary between sectors; understanding which to apply, where & when, is essential knowledge for anyone involved in today’s Equity Markets, either as an Investor or in an advisory Client-facing role.
The programme will be interactive, with the emphasis on the practical rather than theoretical. Participants will require access to laptops for the Excel-based Valuation modelling Case Studies.
Understanding Wealth Management
The Wealth Management community quietly looks after Trillions of pounds of Client wealth, avoiding the headlines & concentrating on confidentiality. However, while the Managers have, understandably, traditionally maintained a low profile when looking after their Clients’ interests, events of the last few years have sorely strained Client relationships.
This interactive programme will offer an insight into the management of these important relationships & the potential threats that might undermine them.
Understanding Exchange Traded Funds
Exchange Traded Funds are now firmly established in the investment world. But how do they actually work? Originally designed as simple, user friendly, passive, Equity Index tracking vehicles, their evolution has created several different types of product, across the Asset Classes, with each one requiring different approaches in due diligence. While the external ‘packaging’ might look similar, the risks underneath vary considerably.
Fusion Analysis
The ‘Risk on, Risk off’ mentality that has dominated activity on many of the world’s Exchanges over the last couple of years has made the task of Stock picking even harder.
The Investment discipline needs to take account of a blend of approaches – Fundamental, Technical & Behavioural. Fundamental Analysis will provide the investor with an opinion on valuation, but not necessarily any input on the timing of entry & exit points.
Finally, one of the traditional building blocks of Efficient Markets – the assumption of rational Investors – has now been seriously questioned since the emergence of Behavioural Finance as an accepted discipline. Technical Analysts have long questioned another – the concept of random walks. Fusion Analysis may be the answer.
Paul Meadows
Paul has fifteen years experience on the Buyside of the Market, working in both Institutional and High Net Worth Portfolio Management (including Royal Insurance Asset Management and Lloyds Private Banking). His roles ranged from managing the UK Equity component of a larger Portfolio on behalf of a Scandinavian Insurer through to Heading up the Global Research effort in London for a Bermudan-domiciled Private Bank.
Paul also has ten years experience designing and delivering both Public and tailored in-house training programmes, with audiences ranging from Graduates and new starters, through to one-to-one coaching of Senior Managers. He has delivered programmes on Wealth & Portfolio Management, Equity Valuation, Technical Analysis & Hedge Funds in the Middle East, Asia, Emerging and Western Europe, Russia and South Africa as well as London, for blue chip Investment Banks, Fund Managers, Regulators, Hedge Funds, Private Banks and Law Firms.